Wegwijzer Voorkeursformaten


Versie door Msteeman (overleg | bijdragen) op 29 mei 2022 om 11:58 (bron vrije tekst: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVCHD#Codecs)
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Doorzoek Register op toepassingsgebied > Productiviteit > AVCHD


De formaatfamilie AVCHD omvat de volgende 5 formaten.

FormaatHoudbaarheidscorePUIDWikidata IDLoC IDPRONOM formattypePRONOM fileformatidentifier
AVCHD Clip Information File0fmt/1054Q50564741
AVCHD Index File0fmt/1076Q50825843
AVCHD Movie Object File0fmt/1075Q50825837
AVCHD Playlist File0fmt/1074Q50825548
AVCHD Thumbnail Index File0fmt/1077Q50825846

AVCHD (Advanced Video Coding High Definition) is a file-based format for the digital recording and playback of high-definition video. It is H.264 and Dolby AC-3 packaged into the MPEG transport stream, with a set of constraints designed around the camcorders.

Aside from recorded audio and video, AVCHD includes many user-friendly features to improve media presentation: menu navigation, simple slide shows and subtitles. The menu navigation system is similar to DVD-video, allowing access to individual videos from a common intro screen. Slide shows are prepared from a sequence of AVC still frames, and can be accompanied by a background audio track. Subtitles are used in some camcorders to timestamp the recordings.