Wegwijzer Voorkeursformaten

Quicktime Movie

Versie door Msteeman (overleg | bijdragen) op 30 mei 2022 om 23:17
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Doorzoek Register op toepassingsgebied > AV Wrapper > Quicktime Movie

ToepassingsgebiedAV Wrapper

De formaatfamilie Quicktime Movie omvat het volgende formaat.

FormaatHoudbaarheidscorePUIDWikidata IDLoC IDPRONOM formattypePRONOM fileformatidentifier

The format specifies a multimedia container file that contains one or more tracks, each of which stores a particular type of data: audio, video, or text (e.g. for subtitles). Each track either contains a digitally-encoded media stream (using a specific format) or a data reference to the media stream located in another file. Tracks are maintained in a hierarchical data structure consisting of objects called atoms. An atom can be a parent to other atoms or it can contain media or edit data, but it is not supposed to do both.